A Night to Remember
Digic Pictures is a high-end animation studio based in Hungary that has consistently produced great work for a long time, and A Night to Remember indubitably joins their stellar catalog. The cinematic itself served as a launch trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Further Learning
Behind the scenes of Digic's Witcher 3 cinematic - FX Guide - by Ian Failes
Cinematic Credits
Digic Pictures
Director: István Zorkóczy
Producer: Alex Sándor Rabb
Production Supervisor: Attila Szenes
Lead of Production Management Unit: György Horváth
Lead Coordinator: Barbara Bereczkei
Production Managers: Pál Klemm, Attila Szigeti
Coordinators: Virág Barta, Attila Deák, Tímea Németh, Orsolya Zsigmond
Production Assistants: Zsolt Kövágó, Andrea Perjés, Zsuzsanna Sziva, Eszter Szöllösi, Noémi Varga
Assistant Director: Dávid Ringeisen
Project Director: Péter Svéd
Account Manager: Lilla Kocsis
Character Art Director: Károly Porkoláb
Lead of Character Modelling Unit: Tamás Varga
Lead of Character Texturing Unit: Zoltán Korcsok
Director of Environment Division: Zoltán Pócza
Lead of Environment Unit: Marcell Nagy Haraszti, Kornél Ravadits, Raymond Wégner
Senior Environment Artists: Miklós Leszkó, Gábor Répási
Senior Environment Modelers: Zoltán B. Kecskeméti, Elöd Tóth, Tamás Tóthfalussy
Model and Texture Artists: Sándor Bagi, Balázs Bertalan, Sándor Bíró, József Bosnyák, Dorián Bugán, József Czakó, András Domány, Róbert Ferenczi, Levente Gajdos, Miklós Gábor, Tamás Gyermán, Attila Halász, Gábor Hanzi, Gábor Keményvári, Norbert Kiss, Éva Kovács, Tamás Kurdi, Dániel Molnár, Tibor Nádas, Lajos Nagy, Beatrix Papp, László Szabó, Bence Szórádi, István Vastag, Zsolt Vida
Layout Artist: László Maczó
2D Assistant Artists: Diána Sindel, Judit Veronika Somogyvári
Lead of Matte Painting Unit: Péter Bujdosó
Matte Paint Artist: Tamás Jarolics
Concept Artist: Petra Varga
Visual Development Artist: Péter Bertalan
Lead of Rigging and Simulation Unit: András Tarsoly
Senior Rigging TD: Róbert Vári
Rigging TDs: Máté Bodor, Zoltán Hollósy, Dávid Lantos, Norbert Nagy, Róbert Tóth
Director of Animation Division: Gábor Horváth
Lead of Animation Unit: Róbert Babenko, Gábor Lendvai
Animators: Roland Bódis, Balázs Farkas, Dávid Fésüs-Farkas, Attila Csepy, Márk Györgyfalvay, Gábor Kiss, Károly Mátyás, Ferenc Petrovics, Kristóf Rab
Crowd TD: Norbert Szilágyi
Animation TDs: Zsolt Gergely, Krisztián Sereg
Lead of Motion Capture Unit: György Tóth
Motion Capture Specialists: István Gindele, Krisztián Kinder, Csaba Kövári
Motion Capture Development Coordinator: György Zorkóczy
Lead Technical Director: Szabolcs Horvátth
CG Developers: Boris Ignjatovic, Gábor László
Lead of Asset TD Unit: Gábor Nagy
Senior Asset TDs: Gábor Eszenyi, József Liszkai
Asset TDs: Zsolt Csik, Krisztina Kiss, Zoltán Kócs, Mihály Róber Molnár, Zoltán Tóth
Lead of Photo Scanning Unit: Rafael Zubán
3D Scanner Operator: Flórián Ulrich
Lead of Render TD Unit: Tamás Sasvári
Senior Render TD: Gábor Ambrus
Render TDs: Balázs Ari, Balázs Drenkovics, Zsolt Gergely, Balázs Kerek, Szabolcs Siklósi
Render Wrangler: Gábor Boros
Senior Shading TDs: Ádám Farkas, Péter Juranka
Shading TD: Viktor Winkler
Junior Shading TD: Barnabás Kovács
Lead of Hair Unit: Csaba Máté
Hair TDs: Lehel Karsa, Arnold Kiss
Lead of Effect Unit: Viktor Németh
Effect TDs: Dániel Bukovec, Attila Chovanecz, Ádám Sipos, Imre Tüske
Lead of Lighting and Compositing Unit: Balázs Horváth
Senior Compositor: Péter Hostyánszki
Senior Compositing TD: Ria Tamók
Compositors: Szabolcs Dudás, László Ruska, Krisztián Szeibold
Technical Compositor: Bálint Varga
Lead of Production Development Unit: Gábor Tanay
Production Developer: Gábor Medinácz
DTP: Zsolt Mezei
Digic Motion Manager: István Zsótér
Motion Capture Performers: József Fodor, Gábor Szemán, Zsuzsi Rácz
Written by: Adam Badowski, Jan Bartkowicz, Pawel Mielniczuk, Rafal Praszczalek
Story: Jan Bartkowicz
CG Supervision: Pawel Mielniczuk
Production: Michał Krzemiński
Concepts and Storyboards: Marek Madej, Benedykt Szneider
3D Art: Grzegorz Chojnacki, Grzegorz Magiera, Dominik Milecki, Dave Yablonsky
Voice Direction: Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz
Voice Acting: Doug Cockle, Laura Doddington
Music: Marcin Przybyłowicz
"Lullaby" written by: Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz
Special thanks to: Tomasz Bagiński, Konrad Tomaszkiewicz
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